”This incident would later be called “Solar Sails" Invention,
from which a new chronology would begun.
A.S.S = After Solar Sails, B.S.S = Before Solar Sails."
-4408 year B.S.S
The first human spaceships arrive in the Hyperborea Galaxy
-4399--4397 years B.S.S
The first time a human spaceship lands on a planet in Hyperborea and call it Meridian. Humans build the first colony.
-4397--4334 years B.S.S
A few cities are being built on Meridian. A new human civilization is being born.
-4012 years B.S.S
Three hundred years later, when the Meridian planet becomes overpopulated, humans turn their gaze upon the nearest habitable planets and star systems.
-3986--3969 years B.S.S
Humans build their first colonies on Styx, Carthain, Synathra, Tanaquil, Arkaim, as well as a dozen of other planets and moons.
-3965 year B.S.S
First contacts with alien races (Glyphens, Coggorts, Celestials) which immediately turn into open wars.
-3965-3948 years B.S.S
Humanity wages war against the alien races.
-3948 year B.S.S
The Pandora Box emerges out of nowhere and disintegrates almost a third of the human fleet. Soon after it starts disintegrating planet after planet.
-3947 year B.S.S
After the disintegration of planets and moons owned by the alien races and human colonists, humanity unites with the races to fight against the Pandora Box. Eventually, Argus contacts the leaders of the alliance and tells them how to cast the Pandora Box into the future, hoping that the Hyperborean inhabitants would have the needed technology to kill Anirius. Then he entrusts the Seven Quasar Elements to the leaders of the races, instructing them that those should be used to invade the Pandora Box in the future once it returns.
-3946 year B.S.S
Humanity signs a peace treaty with the alien races, and return to Tanaquil and Arkaim. Some of the humans are allowed to remain on Styx, Carthain and Sinatra.
-3946--3763 years B.S.S
Humanity thrive and prosper on their planets, but their spaceships start breaking one by one. They keep trying to build their ships to be able to sustain themselves against the Solar Clouds, but all of their attempts fail.
-3763 year B.S.S
The last human spaceship finally breaks, so humanity becomes stuck on their planets. This year is marked as the official end of the Age of Colonization and the beginning of the Dark Ages.
-3763-0 years B.S.S
Dark Ages. Humanity’s technology faces degradation. No further attempts are made to reach the open space. Overtime, people even stop believing they have been to space in the past. The isolation causes the development of different cultures on different planets.
-241 years B.S.S
Romikon is born.
-214--68 years B.S.S
Romikon works as an engineer for different manufacturers, until he decided to try to fly into the open space, or at least die trying.
-68-0 years B.S.S
Romikon works on constructing his own ship.
0 year B.S.S
Romikon steals a few Solar Panels from the company he worked at, installs them on his ship flies into the open space and circles Styx within a few minutes. When he publishes his experiment’s results, he gets arrested for stealing private property and sentenced to 20 years in jail.
After Solar Sails Invention
4 year A.S.S
After countless demonstrations and protests, Romikon is released from the prison and honored by the entire planet.
4-42 years A.S.S
Romikon’s invention enters mass production, and he becomes the richest Coggort in the world. The Coggorts decide to bring their invention to other planets.
42-159 years A.S.S
All the habitable planets in Hyperborea acquire ships with Solar Sails. After thousands of years of isolation, the galaxy is reconnected once again.
160 year A.S.S
The establishment of the Trade Guild on Meridian marks the official beginning of the Golden Age.
~160-400 years A.S.S
The Golden Age of the Hyperborean Galaxy.
~400-500 years A.S.S
The Monopolism Age of Hyperborea. Some large Styxian corporations step by step monopolize almost every aspect of production. Other planets’ economies gradually decline. Racism and nationalism, particularly against Coggorts is on the rise.
454 year A.S.S
Raymond Lance is born.
485 year A.S.S
Vermont Lance is born.
497 year A.S.S
Raymond Lance establishes the opposition party to the trading guild. This is the first time on Meridian when the religious community gets an institutional level representation, pushing its racist agenda. By the time, the economy almost reaches the bottom.
512 year A.S.S
Raymond Lance uses propaganda and manipulates the masses into overthrowing the Trading Guild, thus usurping the rule. He proclaims himself as the Emperor of the Holy Empire, and starts a war against all those who oppose him on Meridian.
521 year A.S.S
Desmond Lance is born.
523 year A.S.S
After years of wars and genocide, Raymond Lance finally succeeds in bending the entire planet to his rule.
525 year A.S.S
Raymond Lance starts the Holy Crusade against other planets, determined to eliminate the Coggorts race.
525-539 years A.S.S
The First Holy Crusade against the Styx results in the elimination of almost 61% of the entire Coggorts race at the Crusaders Purification Camps. Other planets do not interfere.
540 year A.S.S
Raymond Lance dies and his son, Vermont Lance, becomes the new Emperor. Desmond decides not to stop at what his father has accomplished, and launches another crusade against all the other non-human races - Celestials and Glyphens.
541-567 years A.S.S
After conquering Carthain and Sinathra, and a few other planets, the Holy Empire launches the Second Holy Crusade commits another genocide, putting all the non-human races into Purification camps. It nearly bring the Celestials to extinction, and reduces the number Glyphens almost by half. Tanaquil and Arkaim planets don’t intervene.
569 year A.S.S
Vermont Lance attacks both Tanaquil and Arkaim planets, catching them in surprise. They fight back. Thus begins the Third Holy Crusade.
574 year A.S.S
Vermont Lance dies and his son, Desmond Lance, becomes the new Emperor.
574-579 year A.S.S
The Holy Empire wages a long war against Tanaquil and Arkaim, until it fails to besiege Tanaquil, the Federation’s home planet. The Third Holy Crusade ends with a failure. That failure would mark the beginning of the end of the Holy Empire.
579-586 years A.S.S
The Holy Empire loses battle after battle against the combined forces of the Resistance, which combines Tanaquil, Arkaim, as well as the planets previously conquered by the Holy Empire.
586-589 years A.S.S
The combined forces of the Resistance besiege Meridian.
589 year A.S.S
The Federation forces use their new weapon, the Dark Matter clouds, to cover almost the entire planet.
592 year A.S.S
After billions of deaths including humans, animals, and even vegetation, due to the Dark Matter clouds, the Holy Empire capitulates. Desmond commits suicide.
592 year A.S.S
After billions of deaths including humans, animals, and even vegetation, due to the Dark Matter clouds, the Holy Empire capitulates. Desmond commits suicide. The Tanaquil government proclaims itself as the Galactic Federation, while the Arkaim government proclaims itself as the Jungan Dominion.
593 year A.S.S
After long disputes over which superpower should control Meridian, they sign an agreement, which states that the planet should be split in two halves by a huge wall.
596 year A.S.S
The Meridian Wall, which stretches through the entire perimeter of the planet, is finally built.
607 year A.S.S
The Federation and the Dominion have another dispute over the Styx, Carthain and Sinathra, planets they have liberated. They start manipulating its citizens into attacking each other.
651 year A.S.S
After decades of manipulation, Styx, Carthain and Sinathra establish the Neutral Council, and unite against both the Dominion and the Federation, driving them away.
651-748 years A.S.S
The Federation and the Dominion start a long war with each other, which lasts almost a century.
733 year A.S.S
Joe o’Brien is born.
746 year A.S.S
Captain Moreguns is born.
748 year A.S.S
Tired of the endless war, the Federation and the Dominion declare peace, which in fact starts the Cold War.
776 year A.S.S
Sam Riley (Matey) is born.
777 year A.S.S
The Federation discovers that Rum can be utilized into a highly explosive liquid. They started testing it and producing it in military purposes.
778 year A.S.S
Realizing they can’t get enough Rum for their missiles because people consume it as alcohol, the Federation starts enforcing a prohibition.
779 year A.S.S
Captain Moreguns rebels against the Federation, which ends up in the deaths of his entire crew as well as many other innocent people. Joe o’Brien signs his lifetime deal with both the Federation and the Dominion.
781 year A.S.S
Amy Terrance is born.
801 year A.S.S
The Pandora Box returns, and thus start the current events of the game.